Neighborhood Resources
If you have a service such as babysitting, lawn mowing, housekeeping, etc. that you would like to perform within the Neighborhood, please click here to provide the information below.
Ryan Home (customer Service) 877-550-7926
Contractors used by Ryan Homes in PW
Appliances (GE) 800-432-2737
Carpet/Flooring (Floors Inc.) 866-255-9721
Ceramic/Tiles (M&R Floors) 866-255-9721
Drywall (Cemco Construction) 717-642-9515
Electrical Wiring (Noah Electric) 301-695-4400
Garage Doors/Fireplace (Fireside Hearth & Home) 410-792-2100
Heating / Air Condition (Masters Inc.) 301-840-2993
Plumbing (King Plumbing) 301-662-6990
Security Systems (Guardian Protection Service Inc.) 800-533-4827
Windows (Ply Gem Windows) 866-518-4138
Windows - Out of Warranty (Glass Mirror Srv) 301-662-0026
Additional Resources:
McLaughlin's Heating -- Gas Fireplaces and Stoves (Rouzerville, PA) 717-762-5711
Pembrook Woods is not affiliated with any of the listed service providers. The Names, links and contact numbers are provided as a courtesy and, as such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such Vendors.